Harvard University says it can’t afford journal publishers’ prices

University wants scientists to make their research open access and resign from publications that keep articles behind paywalls

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.theguardian.com

When Harvard, *Harvard*, can no longer afford journals, something is wrong!  This problem, however, is too difficult to solve by abandoning all subscription-based journals.  Gold Open Access is not sustainable because it merely  pushes the burden of the costs to the authors and/or funding agencies themselves, while Green OA won’t work on a larger level because it *does cost* a certain amount to provide quality work.   Competition in the market could solve the problem of the high prices, which, after all, is what started the discussion in the first place.  But unrestricted capitalism, combined with a system of scientific production that is steaming out of control, has reduced competition and concentrated the market.  I do see a way out, though…IF libraries retain subscriptions to only the most cost-effective and sustainable journals, AND IF researchers refuse to collaborate with the least sustainable journals, AND IF professional societies insist on keeping their subscription fees low when contracting with publishers (or not selling their publishing off at all), then competition could be restored, and prices maintained at sustainable levels.  But I’m sure there are a myriad of other factors and impacts that such a solution would have.  It’s a conundrum.

See on Scoop.itScholarly Communication

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